Four Topkapi's features worthy of your attention
Whether you're looking for a supervision solution or already have Topkapi SCADA software... here's a focus on four Topkapi features that could be useful to you.
Topkapi is a modular, integrated supervision solution that adapts to your functional and technical requirements. Our software platform meets your current and future business challenges: intelligent equipment management, team mobility, time-saving configuration, etc.
Topkapi's objet structure
The concept of object structure is based on models associating equipment data with their animated graphic representation. This means that Topkapi eliminates the need for time-consuming creation of equipment with elementary variables. The creation of models in a library, so that they can be duplicated in quantity in applications, saves time during application design and testing.
The object structure thus facilitates the deployment of equipment models in Topkapi supervision applications, and enables optimized project management.
"We took advantage of the slowdown in the COVID period to create a library of structured and graphical objects in Topkapi that we would use for all our future applications. This library includes a complete inventory of actuators found in water treatment, and we even went so far as to develop double-stage objects.
Standardization has many benefits:
- Time savings in application development and maintainability.
- Structured objects avoid many input errors during instantiation.
- Standardization obliges automaticians to be rigorous in the naming and addressing rules they use, so as to obtain a coherent database.
- Standardization of supervision applications avoids the "mille-feuille" of different service providers' approaches to an existing application."
Mr. Adrien Grandcolas, Managing Director, Install Pompes France
Topkapi's curve module
The curves module is a synoptic element in which several variables can be displayed simultaneously. A curve can show variations in one variable as a function of time, or variations in one variable as a function of another (XY curve concept). The values used to display curves are sampled by the application. Fully customizable, it is possible to create curve models according to the needs of the application, saving precious time during the parameterization phase and meeting the business needs of operators.
"To support the reorganization of the MEL and the creation of Sourcéo, we decided to set up a single supervision application to manage all water and wastewater facilities. We thus created synoptic views based on standard blocks that evolve dynamically according to the rights of operators and sites.
In particular, we worked in depth on generating a single curve view for the entire application, for which the parameters (menus, parameters to be displayed, scale, color scheme) vary according to the factory synoptic."
Mr. Tibeau Vincent, Head of 's industrial/automation IT department, Sourcéo
Topkapi's report module
The module is based on data historized by the application. It enables raw data to be formatted, usually in the form of Excel tables, using calculation functions for selected periods of time. Reports can be configured from any operating client workstation (operating server, fat or thin client). Access to parameterization is subject to operator rights. It is now possible to add an additional module for displaying aggregated data, the Dataviz module. This module enables KPIs to be dynamically displayed and exploited via interactive dashboards.
"We work with some twenty reports - regulatory and operational - all generated from Topkapi's integrated module. We access them directly from the single Topkapi interface. There are no file-sharing or connection problems that we could imagine with a third-party tool. This is a real plus for us.
Since the last update, we've been able to set report parameters from any user workstation. This meets an internal need we had: to give some of operator colleagues a hand in making changes into their reports."
Mr. Jean Daniel Urrutigaray, Head of the automatism department in the water, coastline and natural environment division of the Communauté d'Agglo Pays Basque (CAPB).
Topkapi's remote alarm notification module
Topkapi's integrated remote alarm notification module enables alarms from the application to be broadcast to on-call operators as soon as they occur. Various communication media are available: SMS, e-mail, voice synthesis and the Topkapi AppView mobile application. Depending on the medium, alarms can be acknowledged remotely. Remote alarm notification management is fully integrated into Topkapi, by calendar and by team, making it easy to deploy.
"We've been using Topkapi's integrated remote alarm notification module for some twenty years now. Its parameters are set directly in the Topkapi supervision application, which avoids the interoperability problems we might encounter when using a third-party solution.
We have recently implemented the Topkapi AppView mobile application, which overcomes the problem of voice synthesis diction. What's more, when we're faced with heavy thunderstorms where the list of faults becomes high, the app allows us to keep track of alarms directly on our cell phone. Last but not least, Topkapi Appview helps us to avoid forgetting to intervene, or setting off for the wrong intervention site."
Mr. François Renard, Project Manager, Régie des Eaux des Coëvrons